Harakeke Achievement Award

The Harakeke Achievement Award in Cybersecurity recognizes the critical role of technology and digital security in preserving and protecting indigenous knowledge, cultural heritage, and resources. It honors those who have worked tirelessly to ensure that indigenous communities have the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats and challenges.

The word “Harakeke” is derived from the Māori language and refers to the New Zealand flax plant, which is a symbol of resilience, strength, and versatility in Māori culture. Like the Harakeke plant, recipients of this award embody these qualities by exhibiting a deep commitment to upholding and preserving indigenous knowledge, traditions, and practices.


Nominees for the Harakeke Achievement Award in Cybersecurity may include individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions towards advancing cybersecurity in indigenous communities. These nominees may have:

  •   Developed innovative approaches to protecting indigenous knowledge, data, and digital assets
  •   Worked to increase awareness of cybersecurity risks and best practices within indigenous communities
  •   Collaborated with indigenous communities to create culturally sensitive and appropriate cybersecurity policies and practices
  •   Advocated for the inclusion of indigenous perspectives in cybersecurity research and policy-making

Q1  How is your nominee acted as the voice of cybersecurity risks and best practices within indigenous communities?

Q2 Please detail their accomplishments to date that you believe demonstrate potentially unrealised and unique potential and/or that have made a difference to the indigenous community. 

Q3  What have been the most important outcomes of their actions?

Q4  What were the greatest challenges they had to overcome to achieve these outcomes?

Q5. How have they advocated for the inclusion of indigenous perspectives in cybersecurity policies and research – demonstrating excellence and innovation in the industry?

Q6-Have they created or developed any approaches to protecting indigenous knowledge, data, and digital assets? If so can you elaborate on what those are in more detail.